Sinister is a 2012 supernatural horror film directed by Scott Derrickson and stars Ethan Hawke. It follows a true-crime writer, played by Hawke, as he discovers a box of home movies that puts his family in danger. Sinister is one of the few movies that actually managed to scare movie. The very first shot of the movie was superb, and when I saw that shot I knew that I was about to watch a genuinely scary movie.
I´ll start off by saying that Sinister had a very cool story, which was told with the help of some video tapes. This tapes were the best part of the movie, since they were really disturbing. The tapes also had stuff hidden in them, like those "when you see it" pictures. The movie itself was also pretty scary, but there were a few cheap scares (a.k.a jump scares). The whole cast was fantastic, and managed to make the goofy parts seem very serious. When I actually think about the story I realize just how goofy it really was, but the script and the actors really manage to sell it. The boogey man is also creepy as hell, and he is what links all the tapes together.
The film is pretty scary and disturbing, but there are some cheap scares here and there. The music is great and the lighting is always spot on, building even more tension throughout the whole movie. The ending is very twisted and disturbing too, but as I said if you start to think too much about it... it is pretty goofy. I am going to give Sinister a 4.5/5
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