Terminator Genisys is the fifth installment in the Terminator franchise. It is directed by Alan Taylor and stars Arnold Schwarzengger, Jai Courtney, Emilia Clarke, and Jason Clarke. The basic premise is that John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time to protect Sarah Connor, but when he arrives in 1984, nothing is as he expected it to be. This movie acts a sequel/reboot, since it basically tries to erase what happened in all the past movies. I for one thought this was an interesting thing to do. I was very very wrong.
First thing I want to say is: Fuck you Paramount for spoiling such a major plot twist in the trailer. I won't say what it is for those that don't know, but yeah I have no idea why they would spoil something like that. Anyways, the major problem this movie has is the writing. Doing a time travel movie isn't easy, and whenever your movie focuses on time travel I believe you have to keep it as simple as possible. Terminator Genisys decided it was better to keep adding twists and to convolute the story. This movie is a mess. Things just don't make sense at all, and it doesn't help the fact that the movie keeps adding more and more time traveling elements into it. The dialogue is also really bad. There are moments where characters say stuff that don't even make sense at all. There are plot holes everywhere, and also worth noting is the fact that J.K Simmons is in this movie. His character has absolutely nothing to do here. If you erase his character nothing would change. Big waste of talent.
The film also tends to feel like self-parody. Arnold is just an over the top cartoon version of the terminator, which is really dissapointing. I wanted the awesome hardcore terminator from the other films, but nope. The acting isn't anything special either, which is dissapointing since there is actually a good cast here. I can say though that the film at least is entertaining. If you turn your brain off and not think about all the plot holes and conflicting elements you might have fun. The problem is that the characters always bring up the time traveling elements, making you think about them again. The action is well directed, which is definitely something that does make the film a little bit easier to sit through. The visual effects were a mixed bag. Sometimes they would look really good, and then other times they would look pretty bad.
Terminator Genisys was a really bad film. It can be fun, but there are so many bad elements surrounding it that it's hard to really have fun with it. I think the only way this movie could have worked was if the writers kept it simple. Plot wholes, inconsistencies, bad dialogue, sub-par acting, etc. This really is not a good movie at all and it's better if you just avoid it. 1.5/5
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